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Monday, December 10, 2012

Lockout: Mainstream for the Troma Fan.

John Carpenter Sued 'Lockout' Creators for Plagiarism, and He Won

Could this new job be too good to be true.  Downtime and access to Blogspot.  A chance to be prolific again.  Better invest in a mirror to make sure the boss doesn't catch me.

It was an interesting week to say the least.  New wheels, off the phones for the first time in three years, officially and indisputably an uncle.  Enough has happened to almost forget about my shortcomings as an adult.  Unfortunately my taste for cinema and drama kept me relative grounded.  Great film, but wrong time to see Jason Reitman's "Young Adult."  So to bounce back, I watched some ill-regarded space themed pictures last night.

Receiving unfair assessments by the masses (so these flicks are just like me), I watched Disney's "Treasure Planet" and Luc Besson's "Lockout."  The prior may receive too much heat, but probably the correct amount of attention (is it me, but traditional animated Disney has not looked vivid since "The Lion King?"), since I did a lot more playing around with my phone than the latter.  This is probably only because the Guy Pearce flick was just louder (almost redundant to say when you think back to "Priscilla").

See the rest of the review at " - A more appropriate runtime"

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