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Friday, October 12, 2012

Feedback Please. Have I just zoned out for 9 months?

I was inspired to title the blog "Wanted:  Friends, Producers, Rabbis or Dealers," but my first pay check at my current job was not too bad, so that's not Facebook appropriate.

So I got to come up with something to write about.  Out of practice of course, but I haven't kept up on my Netflix and with Facebook being my only societal feed, my anger at human race is fleeting.

I actually think it maybe more directed at individuals.  Is it sad to say that the most recent blog idea was to write about how no promoter should book a particular insecure, pussy-whipped, son of a jobber Pekinite who post racist comment only to follow them by his sharing a "Pro Wrestler Against Bullying" image.  Posting that would be a bit hypocritical and frankly is to easy.

How Easy?  Do you really want the long winded version of that borderline run on sentence.  I also do not want to take the time to redesign the structure of this website to give that carny (meant in the Marigold Festival sense) to properly classify this blog.  I would defeat the ease in writing I was trying to obtain by switching this blog from Go Daddy to Blog Post.

Read the rest of this blog at and determine if I am capable of writing/producing a no budget zombie/pro-wrestling movie.

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