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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Don't you think our flag is lame?

I'm trying to come up with a tattoo idea. Oh, the nuisance I can be to myself after adjusting to second shift sleeping hours. Especially when I got to take the cat to the vet, go to the dentist and pay a speeding ticket.

Damn Chillicothe for building it's town on a state highway. If you don't want me to go 44 in a 35 (I blame Five Man Electric Band for me not seeing the 30 mph sign... or should I say Tesla), then put some projects around the road like Peoria. You gotta drive safe on Adams because you don't want to get into a hit and run. If you do hit a pedestrian, the paranoia of desperate poor folks won't allow you to leave your car to check on the victim or wait for the authorities. A catch 22, or should I say a catch 29.

But Chilli makes all their money on traffic violations, and we don't want to cripple their chances of getting a Family Video or a KFC to complete the Pepsi fast food trifecta. I'd think it would hurt Dream Illustration's business though.

So back to the tattoo idea. I was thinking of using the English flag, the St George, not the Union Jack (screw the Scots and Irish). I'm thinking in the top left quarter adding a hammer and sickle or the Nerv logo from Neon Genesis Evangelion of course. Some how, I know which melding would not be "got."

Originally, I was considering using the Le Tigre feminist anthem FYR with the Nerv logo, but was a good friend reminded me how esoteric that would be. Thanks Adult Swim for ruining anime and JD Sampson for killing a new riot grrrl era to focus on the butch crying.

Actually, neither of these latest ideas maybe got since Americans have a flag with zero versatility. The flags with perpendicular bars or open fields allow for variations to the design. Just wiki English or Scandinavian flags and you will understand this arrangement.

Read the rest of this blog at and feel free to inquire about getting a copy of my Zombie-Comedy, Pro-Wrestling script.

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