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Monday, September 19, 2011

Dead Parents and Dead Animals - Piss on Disney if You Piss on Vick

9/19/11: Dead Parents and Dead Animals - Piss on Disney if You Piss on Vick

I writing a blog tonight since I'll be heading to Wrigleyville for the last home game this year on Wednesday. If I want to spend money on used CDs and video games on Clark St, I got leave for the Northside early that morning.

I believe, the lack of a significant actuality leaves me pissier than most. HostGator having a horrid file structure is not helping things by placing a delay on the "Main Event of the Dead" project that I can't control. My stubborn nature forces me to deny reality, so I got to direct the negativity into something constructive. Thus, I have to write. Humor is how I cope, so got to write about something I can laugh at, and that is the stupidity of comments of Facebook.

I'd love to see genuine commitment to statements that updates are trying to advise us as being common sense. Supporting the hypocrite Ron Paul (how can a Libertarian appeal to the Tea Party when they support a party representing the God-fearing right?), xenophobic immigration policy (how can they celebrate Irish and German drinking holidays that recognize their foreign heritage?), and unjust persecution of people who have paid for their crimes (please leave Casey Anthony alone when her probation run ups).

I'm a believer in the justice (not the civil) system, so in principle, I got to stand by any guilty verdict (that I don't think I could appeal). When it comes to unpopular cleared defendants, if you don't have the nerve to punish them on your own, shut the fuck up.

Like those who celebrate Michael Vick's neck injury. The guy did his time. If you don't like that, vote Democrat (there's money in dog fighting, hence Paul, Perry and Bachmann support dog fighting), or sack the fucker on your own. I doubt the guys in Red were doing it for Scooby.

Check out the rest of this blog at "Main Event of the and let me know if my satire and movie knowledge should produce a Pro-Wrestling Zombie movie.

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