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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Would King Diamond take time off for Grandma?

9/28/11: Would King Diamond take time off for Grandma?

It turns out that Jamaicans do not understand English as well as Filipinos do. I don't like picking on those who do not speak our language, but when you are getting paid to speak it, comprehend it.

Now if I want to walk that stereotype line, the language barrier isn't the issue, it's the relaxed culture. You would hope the Yanks who are reinventing the training program for my lame-duck position would be partaking, but they know that would prevent them from bitching at us because we cannot repair their fuck ups.

They got to go out of their way to treat us better. It is damn near intolerable. We are so understaffed, if I was management, I would have demanded better proof that I need to get out of work to see my dying grandma than a text message. Even the dumbest cell phones have camera phones. If a boss demanded visual evidence, and you provided it to them, they should probably feel so shitty that they will give you a couple of extra bereavement days off.

Check out the rest of this blog at "Main Event of the and let me know if my satire and movie knowledge should produce a Pro-Wrestling Zombie movie.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dead Parents and Dead Animals - Piss on Disney if You Piss on Vick

9/19/11: Dead Parents and Dead Animals - Piss on Disney if You Piss on Vick

I writing a blog tonight since I'll be heading to Wrigleyville for the last home game this year on Wednesday. If I want to spend money on used CDs and video games on Clark St, I got leave for the Northside early that morning.

I believe, the lack of a significant actuality leaves me pissier than most. HostGator having a horrid file structure is not helping things by placing a delay on the "Main Event of the Dead" project that I can't control. My stubborn nature forces me to deny reality, so I got to direct the negativity into something constructive. Thus, I have to write. Humor is how I cope, so got to write about something I can laugh at, and that is the stupidity of comments of Facebook.

I'd love to see genuine commitment to statements that updates are trying to advise us as being common sense. Supporting the hypocrite Ron Paul (how can a Libertarian appeal to the Tea Party when they support a party representing the God-fearing right?), xenophobic immigration policy (how can they celebrate Irish and German drinking holidays that recognize their foreign heritage?), and unjust persecution of people who have paid for their crimes (please leave Casey Anthony alone when her probation run ups).

I'm a believer in the justice (not the civil) system, so in principle, I got to stand by any guilty verdict (that I don't think I could appeal). When it comes to unpopular cleared defendants, if you don't have the nerve to punish them on your own, shut the fuck up.

Like those who celebrate Michael Vick's neck injury. The guy did his time. If you don't like that, vote Democrat (there's money in dog fighting, hence Paul, Perry and Bachmann support dog fighting), or sack the fucker on your own. I doubt the guys in Red were doing it for Scooby.

Check out the rest of this blog at "Main Event of the and let me know if my satire and movie knowledge should produce a Pro-Wrestling Zombie movie.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Illinois Junkies and Smoking Orangutans of Polynesia.

A possible blessing at work. The lead on the weekends has put in their two weeks notice. Since I work weekdays until the demise of my current position, hopefully this will lead the higher ups to just give up handling the relatively slow weekends. There are only two other people who want to focus of those days, and I'm sure with the lack of other weekend positions, they'll either adjust, or wish us all the best of luck in our future purgatorial (and that is actually a word, thanks Firefox spell check) positions.

Just because I don't want to be an asshole, doesn't mean I cannot be a fan of the art. From a creative standpoint, you got to appreciate all philosophies to come up with the pro and the antagonist to make the work believable. The only problem with this is acknowledging that you do try to think like the scumbags for any reason. This is where I come off looking like a jerk damn near 100% of the time.

To the one who received their proper reward for partaking in the higher education system:
What about being a team player? The last kid who left on his own terms was relocating out of state with his parents which justifies leaving the sinking ship. Can't you let those junkies wait? I know White Oak does?

That is why I could never get rid of the addicts who ruined by credit. No beds to put them in. Bullshit reasoning. It isn't like they cared if they had a bed, at least from my experience. Hence why they allowed me, the caregiver, the mattress.
To read about the pratical aspect of the rant, visit my Zombie/Pro-Wrestling themed blog at

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pay Me, Friend Me, Screw Me. Or I'll Start Hoarding Cats.

I need something awesome to happen in my life. It may only be a situational issue. No way to adjust my schedule to mix things up. Deciding to pay off my bills is severely limiting things. This blog is a response to the monotony of watching movies just to have something to write about.

The problem is that nothing is happening or seemingly can happen. I don't even want to get into the frustration that genuine assholes seem to prosper. Not that they all prosper, but they are the first to let you know if they are. Life can suck, but misery loves company, and damn how I could use that.

Eva - Rebel Cat and Queen of My WorldAt least declawed company. Honestly, the company can have claws as long as they can balance. Eva went and shredded my left hand in a battle for the laptop mouse. It is not like she meant to do it.  I don't think any cat can intentionally do a somersault when falling out of a chair. She definitely didn't mean to. Her claws trying to reach out for me during the fall is an indicator of that.

Check out the rest of the blog at and envision how my movie reviews and satire could develop a zombie pro-wrestling B-Movie comedy.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wrestling, Ambition, and The Douchebags. My Douchebags.

I need to get a life. The cat demands it. Mom says I should get another job (but she don't like the one she got...oh for when Green Day was still cool), and that may be little Eva's preference, but the fact of the matter is the furball just needs me to leave as frequently as I do during the work week.
Cat Lovers Community dot Com
Whenever I need to leave the apartment, she knows I have to give her the cat treats or she will leave to terrorize the neighborhood. If I'm broke, and stuck with nothing to do outside the apartment walls, she won't be spoiled as much. Brushing and petting aren't enough. The taste buds must be satisfied.

It is either she doesn't like me loitering in her home, or she dislikes pro wrestling. How do I always end up having my life ran by a typical chick?

Wrestlemania X and King of the Ring 1993. It killed three hours, and reminds me why I do not get out of the indie wrestling scene. Most of my ideas always seem directed to the business, and I'm looking for an outlet to express them, and they only inspire me further when I watch the great moments.

Again, it is sweet and sour bullshit. If anyone gave enough of a shit about improving the local wrestling business, I could have the chance to make Downstate mean something. Instead, all Downstate pro wrestling is about amusing friends and pretending to be tough.

Check out the rest of the blog at and envision how my movie reviews and satire could develop a zombie pro-wrestling B-Movie comedy.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Sweet, The Sour, and the Phantasm Review

Today was one of those sweet and sour ones. It was sweet that my supervising team figured out how to help the employees who guilt tripped me into working overtime, despite I had to stay long enough to determine if the work load would be too grand for three people to handle. I should be ecstatic about a victory over protocol, but there is the sour. That being the fact I spent more on cat treats than I did on my own groceries. Honestly, pleasing that little furball makes me happy on its own, provided she does not wake me whining for them.

Expenditures for 9/9/11 just remind me that I'm broke, without credit (I got show some discipline, by not activating the fresh plastic) until my next paycheck. I should be fine after that minus the Cubs tickets I want to pick up. So I should be thinking of the last nights at Wrigley, but that's the problem. They are the last games until March 2012. What is there to do in Peoria to have fun with the spare coin that comes with the change of the season? Rivermen season tickets is impractical working second shift. Oh the price of being a cynic. Can never appreciate the little things.

Or maybe I just think the sweet and sour is bull shit. Never cared for most Asian foods when I come to think of it. I prefer spicy.

Slow news day, and watching the Saints game and a movie would have kept me up too late. If I wouldn't have fried (technically steamed my DVR), I'd at least have wrestling to go on about. To make this blog worthwhile, I guess I better dig up a bad movie review I wrote on some scratch paper at work.

Maybe, not a bad movie. My bitching about "Surf Nazis Must Die" will not accomplish anything. It is the garbage that the mainstream that you must be warned about, and I don't have any of those lying about. How about "Phantasm?" That seems an essay which will be more fun to type than another socialist blog. At least at this hour.

Check out my review for this classic at:

Ninety for Chill - A More Acceptable Runtime

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Overtime, Super Bowl Champions, and Crappy Web Sites: If I needed a reason to drink or hire an attorney'd like to save the final third of a handle of Stoli in my freezer, but today was one of those days. Actually, it's been couple of weeks, but I digress. If I wasn't a stubborn prick, I'd probably be drinking till I cleaned out my sinuses.

Never have I missed an hour of work because of my drinking. For my coworker who brings up, what about that Sunday a year ago, I swear that was a sinus attack, or it was something I ate (giggidy). It was more likely God being that funny asshole to make sure I couldn't keep that glow after my first one night stand. No good lay goes unpunished. If that isn't the gospel truth, what is?

And I guess it goes for good deeds to. I feel I was bullied into a 1:00 pm to 1:30 am shift tomorrow because someone does not have the friends or family to drive them to work. Actually, that should be an ego boost. I at least have enough family so this would not happen. Still, if I don't do this, the job will only get worse. It's just corporate bullshit.

My job is getting phased out (my employment is not at risk), so no one will be hired to handle the insane work load. But no exceptions will be made to terminating employees. Because of this, someone who doesn't have eight hours of earned time, despite they do have five, the company (HGS) feels it's grounds for being shit canned.

Because someone on a third shift cannot come in for an entire shift on a weekend morning (saving the company at least $30 in wages), the powers that be think it would be better to hurt their employees who they abuse enough by firing someone who cannot come in for one night.

And they would do it. They released someone who they hired, and knew suffered from MS because he could not overcome it in a timely manner. Some say there are too many lawyers, but if you have one, no one will fuck with you. That is the only possible way some brainless bitch (I just don't want to accuse her of being a sociopath) who cannot even be 30 years old can claim carpal tunnel and back issues, and collect workers comp for over a year.

Law, a profession that must be regulated by the government. If you put a reasonable cap on what they can make, everyone will have the same chance to become the next Casey Anthony, and there is noway that we would have to deal with the next generations of Kardashians.

Check out the rest of this blog at Main Event of the Dead dot Com and let me know if my humor and movie knowledge can translate into a Pro-Wrestling Zombie comedy.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Awakening of the Web Auteur: The effects of Trent Reznor and David Lynch

I should probably also give credit to Patricia Arquette's attempt to be a pin up girl for messing with my head. "Lost Highway" was a mess of a flick. It leaves me wondering if Patricia's performance lead to the mess that is her brother Alexis had become.

Not trying to dis on the trans-gendered. There are just so few of them with a filmography. Chaz Bono was once just placed in Mom and Dad's stuff. Alexis makes you wonder if she realized her true self, or just needed attention because she was a lesser actor than her brother David.

I guess the point of this blog is that I have ideas I'd like to express, and I want to see what an audience thinks. That sums up the style of "film making" that is David Lynch. A lot of sweet (in the freaking context) concepts along with a lot of shitty ones. Throw them up to the wall, and they should all stick (candy and feces joke, clever right?). If he only knew that a certain degree of cohesion is needed, and he would have a lot more classics dependent upon actors (or Trent Reznor) delivering overly indulgent performances.

Check out the rest of this blog at Main Event of the Dead dot Com and let me know if my humor and movie knowledge can translate into a Pro-Wrestling Zombie comedy.